Kicking A Bad Habit: Sweets

I used to have a major problem with sweets. I felt like I needed them everyday. In graduate school I used to get a doughnut and hot chocolate every morning before class. I am all for enjoying ourselves and indulging every now and then, but doughnuts every morning and desserts every night are excessive. I knew that the sugar wasn’t good for me but I still ate it anyway.

Besides the sugar, which feeds bacteria in our systems and is physically addicting, baked goods also contain lots of dairy and eggs in them, which if you’ve read my other posts…you know I try to avoid! I absolutely still indulge and enjoy myself when I want to. But I no longer feel like I need sweets the way I used to.

It’s hard to give up sugar cold turkey so one of the things that worked for me was having healthier alternatives…foods that were still sweet but not total garbage. Chocolate almond milk was my go to in this process. While chocolate almond milk still has sugar in it, it has way less than normal baked goods, plus it’s dairy free. So it’s so much better for us all around.


And I really LOVE chocolate almond milk. In my opinion it tastes even better than regular chocolate milk…plus it has loads of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E and other great nutrients to keep our bodies healthy.

My current favorite brand is Almond Breeze Chocolate Almond Milk. If you’re new to plant-based eating this is a great treat to help ease yourself into this new way of life!

xo Tedi


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  1. I totally understand how hard it is to fight a sweet tooth! I too love my sweets but have been trying to rely more on alternative sweeteners like brown rice syrup and coconut sugar! I know they’re still sweets but I get a bit less of a sugar rush 🙂

    Posted 4.10.14 Reply
    • Tedi Sarah wrote:

      I just bought coconut sugar today…inspired by your blog!! Can’t wait to try it out. Baking day tomorrow.

      Posted 4.11.14 Reply
  2. Thank you Tedi! What a great idea! From one sweet-a-holic to another! 🙂

    Posted 4.3.14 Reply
    • Tedi Sarah wrote:

      Hi Barb! You are so welcome 🙂 Hope you like it!

      Posted 4.3.14 Reply